A comprehensive, web-based loan administration platform
Streamline the Loan Origination Process with a highly configurable and scalable platform
Tech-Driven Lending 101
A modular end-to-end Factoring and Supply Chain Finance Platform
A blockchain-driven platform for the efficient management of the Dynamic Discounting process
6 Ways Supply Chain Finance is Driving Business Evolution
Modern technology that automates business processes and functions to accomplish defined goals across industries
Accelerating Insurance Operations with Automation
Amplify business performance and improve efficiencies with robotic automation
Transform Your Maritime Operations with the Power of Digital Twin Technology
Build or Buy? Making the Right Collections Software Selection
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ISC Finance Challenges: How to Navigate Them in a Complex Landscape
Harnessing the Power of AI to Drive Positive Change
Traditional Loans vs Invoice Financing: What’s Best for Your Business?
The Ultimate Guide to Loan Management Systems
Loan Origination Systems: Transforming Consumer Lending for the Future
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance with the Right Debt Management & Collections System
How to Avoid Mistakes with the Right Debt Management Software
Merchant Cash Advances: A Flexible Working Capital Solution
How to Prevent Fraud, Increase Subscriptions & Optimise Campaigns
How Receivables Financing Powers UK Businesses
How to Increase Working Capital for your Organisation
Innovating Financing for Retailers with Point-of-Sale Loan Origination
Transforming Loan Origination: The Power of Modern Loan Origination Software
5 Ways to Transform Your Financial Strategy with QUALCO Data-Driven Decision Engine
What is Factoring in Finance? Definition, Examples, Benefits
Loan Origination Definition, Process, Examples
4 Advantages of AI in Debt Collections
Enabling Financial Integrity: A Blueprint for Responsible Debt Recovery
Reshaping Debt Collections with the QCR Accelerator
Reverse Factoring VS Factoring Definition and Examples
Building Successful Collections Teams: Strategies for Recruitment and Growth
Credit Risk Management Definition, Mitigation, and Solutions
How to Choose the Best Collection Software
Decoding Over-Indebtedness in Europe: Managing Procedures with a Unified Tech Solution
5 Key Debt Collection Customer Self-Service Benefits
Non-Performing Loans: Causes and Management
Integrating Judicial and Extrajudicial Strategies in Portfolio Management
Enhancing Credit Management with Automation and Real-Time Data
What is Supply Chain Finance? Example and Benefits
4 Steps to Customer Service Automation: Transformative Use Cases in Telecom, Energy & Utilities
5 Essential Debt Collection Software Features
Industry 4.0 Calling for Supply Chain Finance Collaboration
Asset-Driven Approaches in NPL Management & Collections Tech
Omnichannel Debt Collections: The Key to a Successful Strategy
Successfully Managing Big Ticket NPLs: The Importance of Dedicated Collections Teams
Open Banking in debt collections: The data-fueled future is here
How portfolio segmentation leads to an optimised debt management process
Rising cost of living: Leveraging ML and advanced analytics for proactive debt management
Best Practice Guide: Collaborating with law firms effectively across the portfolio management lifecycle
What Is Debt Management & How Does It Work?
Amplifying Return on Experience (ROX) in Debt Collections using Αnalytics
Introduction to an ML-Powered Debt Management Approach
Data Quality: What it is and how technology can improve it
Harnessing the Power of Data in Debt Collections
Building a powerful Early Warning Mechanism with ML and Advanced Analytics
A quick guide to loan management technology trends that empower today’s lending and loan servicing operations
Increasing net returns for the German DCA market
Applying advanced analytics to improve cash collection
Getting Ready for the new Breathing Space legislation
DROPPING KNOWLEDGE 01: Collections strategy - Lessons learned from a known British retail bank
5 Tips To Keep Your Remote Workforce Connected
Analytics-focused blog posts by our Director of Intelligent Decisions
Keep your collections floor happy!
How satisfied are you with your collections solution? The 9 key questions
Collections and the customer-centric approach
How will analytics contribute to 2019 NPL reduction efforts
Challenges for 2019: Europe's bid to cut NPLs
[Factsheet] Third progress report on the reduction of non-performing loans (NPLs) and further risk reduction in the Banking Union
Operations & Analytics: Partners in Collections
Ensuring Fairness with Machine Learning and Automation
Prescriptive Analytics: The Next Frontier?
Qualco UK publishes guide on NPL management
Monitoring & Transparency - Reaping the benefits of collections outsourcing
Customer experience - compliance and customer rehabilitation in an outsourcing environment
Outsourcing: An Analytical Approach to Panel Management & Account Allocation
Maximising recoveries through cost and revenue modelling
Process vs. data-driven models?
[Checklist] Setting up portfolio valuation processes
Valuation: Identifying and tackling the four core segments
The case for granular modelling in portfolio valuation
Second Progress Report on the Reduction of Non-Performing Loans in Europe
Non-performing loans in the banking union: Stocktaking and challenges
GDPR for the collections industry: 7 pillars of compliance
EBA: Consultation on Guidelines on management of non-performing and forborne exposures
[Checklist] Managing non-performing loans: do your systems meet ECB requirements?
Loan Lifecycle: Seamless steps from Origination & Maintenance to the Collections process
[Checklist] What should organisations expect from modern loan management technology?
European Commission: Progress report on the reduction of non-performing loans (NPLs)
What are the extended Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) requirements?
EBA's guidance for the use of cloud service providers by financial institutions
SSM Supervisory priorities 2018
Tips: Debt Collection and Recovery Strategy Implementation
Is your Debt Collections and Portfolio management system GDPR compliant?
[Checklist] 5 Steps to C&R Strategy Success
[Slideshare] 7 ways technology can streamline debt collection and recovery operations
[Checklist] Collections Technology: Your 9-Point Checklist
4 Steps To Deal With Debt Restructuring Using Advanced Analytics
Debt Restructuring: System Quirks and Data Curiosities
The Role of Advanced Analytics in the Debt Restructuring Process
ESRB publishes a report on resolving non-performing loans in Europe
How A Fair, Customer-First Approach to Collections and Recoveries to Strengthen Your Brand Image
Using Data to Treat Customers Fairly (TCF)
Fair, compliant, and effective: Five ways to build a customer centric approach to collections and recoveries
How Secure Is Secure? Why Managed Service C&R Systems Will Minimise Business Risk
Compliant Collections and Recoveries
Why Outsourcing Your Collections and Recoveries Can Improve Business Performance
The Importance of Selecting the Right MSP for Your Collections and Recoveries
5 Ways a Managed Service Collections and Recoveries Approach Can Positively Engage Your Customers to Successfully Recover Debt
How to use big data to decrease your NPL numbers
“In an ideal world, all your business decision-making could be done by machine”
From an operational issue to a strategic challenge: How big data shape the new landscape for NPL management
Why your organisation needs a more user-friendly collection and recovery platform
“A technology revolution is changing the face of debt collection and recovery”
Five ways technology can improve NPL management
How to maximise liquidity and reduce NPL numbers
Cost effective collections and recoveries
Five steps to cost effective collection and recovery success