SSM Supervisory priorities 2018

SSM Supervisory priorities 2018


ECB Banking Supervision: SSM priorities 2018

The supervisory priorities set out focus areas for supervision in 2018. Taking into account the relevant developments in the economic, regulatory and supervisory environment, the supervisory priorities build on an assessment of the key challenges faced by supervised banks.

The European Central Bank (ECB) has adopted four priorities to guide its supervision throughout 2018. The aim is to ensure that directly supervised banks address key risks effectively.

  • The priorities are:
  • Business models and profitability drivers
  • Credit risk
  • Risk management
  • Activities comprising multiple risk dimensions

ECB Banking Supervision: SSM priorities 2018


The priorities list should not be considered exhaustive. Supervisory activities may vary between individual banks, taking into account their specific risk profiles.

A number of supervisory initiatives will be carried out for each of the priorities. The full implementation of these initiatives may span more than one year.
