We are delighted to announce that on the 19th May 2020, our Country Manager Fernando Brito Barros will be a panel member at the Open Talks a series of Webinars hosted by the @CMS Group. Below you will find detailed information about the webinar that specifically focuses on the Portuguese Market.
Contexto atual e visão futura de Crédito e Recuperação
Description: Como a pandemia causou uma mudança de cenário e o que esperar a curto prazo

Miguel Rebelo, Partner, Recactiv (Moderador)
Luís Chaves, Business Development Director, Servdebt
Fernando Brito Barros, Country Manager | QUALCO
Volkert Reig, CEO, GNB Real Estate
Host: Ignacio Vilarroig, Managing Director Europe | CMS GROUP
Como lidaram as vossas estruturas com o Plano de contingência COVID19?
Movendo-se rápido para o trabalho remoto: Cuáles filho los desafíos?
Digital Engagement y Customer Experience: Que estratégias implementar para uma recuperação eficiente?
Como será a nova produção? As vendas de carteiras, interrompidas, reiniciarao ao mesmo ritmo?
Os RHs são vitais na nossa atividade, quais os sentimentos que a alta direção tem sobre este momento?
Time: May 19, 2020 05:00 PM in Lisbon
Duração: 60 minutos
Inscreva-se aqui: https://bit.ly/3burOFw
English version follows
Current context and future vision of Credit and Collections.How the pandemic caused a change of scenery and what to expect in the short term.
Topic: Current context and future vision of Credit and Recovery
Description: How the pandemic caused a change of scenery and what to expect in the short term
Miguel Rebelo, Partner, Recactiv (Moderador)
Luís Chaves, Business Development Director, Servdebt
Fernando Brito Barros, Country Manager, QUALCO
Volkert Reig, CEO, GNB Real Estate
Host: Ignacio Vilarroig, Managing Director Europe | CMS GROUP
Key Aspects:
How did your structures deal with the COVID19 contingency plan?
The challenge of moving fast to remote work
Digital Engagement and Customer Experience: What strategies to implement for efficient recovery? How will the new era look like?
What’s the impact of Covid in debt portfolio sales transactions?
People management is vital in this challenging situation, what are the feelings that senior management has about this moment?
Time: May 19, 2020 05:00 PM in Lisbon
Duration: 60 minutes
Register here: https://bit.ly/3burOFw
#QUALCO #Collections #Technology