[Webinar] Covid-19: Impact, strategies and perspectives in the collections’ management
We are delighted to announce that on the 16th June 2020, our Country Manager Fernando Brito Barros will be a panel member at the Open Talks a series of Webinars hosted by the CMS Group. This webinar specifically focuses on the Covid -19 impact, strategies and perspectives in the collections’ management.
Covid-19: Impacto, estrategias y perspectivas en la gestión de cobros
Description: Como a pandemia causou uma mudança de cenário e o que esperar a curto prazo
Expertos discutirán las implicaciones de esta crisis en la industria del recobro y compartirán su visión sobre cómo se perfila la misma en el corto plazo.

Ignacio Meylán, Managing Director | Alantra
Jacques Llorens, CEO - Director General | Multigestion Iberia
Fernando Brito Barros, Country Manager | QUALCO
Alejandro Vega Robles, Director de Servicios de Recobro | Bankia
Diego Azorin Durruty, Director Negocio Automoción | Cofidis España (Moderador)
Host: Ignacio Vilarroig, Managing Director Europe | CMS GROUP
Impacto de Covid-19 en la industria de NPLs y en la gestión de cartera de deuda
¿Qué se espera respecto al rendimiento de las cobranzas? ¿Cuál es la situación actual?
Transformación digital inevitable e inmediata en la industria del Recupero, trabajo remoto y lo que viene después. Aprendizajes.
Fecha: Martes 16 de Junio 2020
Hore: 05:00 PM Hora de Madrid
Duração: 60 minutos
Inscreva-se aqui: https://bit.ly/3dzQoqb
English version follows
Covid-19: Impact, strategies and perspectives in the collections’ management
Description: Experts will discuss the implications of this crisis in the collections industry and share their vision about how it will develop in the short term.
Ignacio Meylán, Managing Director | Alantra
Jacques Llorens, CEO - Director General | Multigestion Iberia
Fernando Brito Barros, Country Manager | QUALCO
Alejandro Vega Robles, Director de Servicios de Recobro | Bankia
Diego Azorin Durruty, Director Negocio Automoción | Cofidis España (Moderador)
Host: Ignacio Vilarroig, Managing Director Europe | CMS GROUP
Key Aspects:
Impact of Covid-19 in the NPLs industry and the debt portfolio management
What to expect regarding the collections’ performance? What is the current situation?
Inevitable and immediate Digital Transformation in the Collections industry, remote working and what comes next. Learnings.
Time: June 16, 2020 05:00 PM in Madrid
Duration: 60 minutes
Register here: https://bit.ly/3dzQoqb
#QUALCO #Collections #Technology