We are pleased to announce that we are a block sponsor at SmithNovak's European Non-Performing Loans virtual conference on March 3-4, 2021.
Join us!
Terry Franklin, is joining Block 12, which is focused on the BBLs, the arrival of a new asset class in UK & Ireland. On March 4 at 12.00pm UK time, he will be part of the panel discussion on "UK & Ireland: Managing a huge wave of new defaults" .
How big is the current total stock of loans taken via the UK government’s BBLs and CBILs programmes, what % is
likely to default and how will arrears be managed going forward? Is this the start of a new asset class?
Is the proposed merger of the Link and Pepper servicing platforms, the two largest Irish non-bank servicers, good
for competition?
Only 10 British banks have signed up to an industry-wide plan for collecting unpaid emergency COVID-19 loans -
why is this?
Around 30,000 residential borrowers have been in arrears for more than six years in Ireland and another 30,000 are
expected to default once payment holidays expire - what strategies will the banks implement?
- Where is NPL stress expected to occur in the UK – secured, unsecured, CRE, SME and why are there currently
so few portfolio transactions?
Qualco's experts from around the globe look forward to meeting you there. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact us at marketing@qualco.eu.
About the event:
There seems no doubt now that a huge wave of pandemic loan defaults will appear late in 2021 and continue through into mid-2022. The ECB has forecasted NPL stocks could rise to a worst-case scenario of €1.4tn, representing an enormous challenge for the Banks and a significant opportunity for Investors, Servicers, Advisors and Technology companies.
SmithNovak’s 11th NPL EUROPE conference is Europe’s leading event for the European Non-Performing Loans market featuring the most active companies operating in this booming market.
Event Details:
Title: 11th NPL Europe
Date: 3-4 March 2020
Venue: Virtual
Register at http://bit.ly/3e36w6G
For more info concerning the NPL Europe 2021 conference, visit www.smithnovak.com