It is evident that the entire credit ecosystem and the way consumers interact with financial organizations have taken a whole new direction as a result of COVID-19. Following the quick operational changes the credit industry has faced, QUALCO has launched an industry-wide survey to determine how the organisations in the collections and recoveries sector have adapted on these changes.
QUALCO has launched an industry-wide survey to determine how the organisations in the collections and recoveries industry have adapted on the quick operational changes the credit sector has faced since the lockdown.
The aim of this survey is to identify new trends emerging, or existing trends that have progressed, across the collections industry for the post-pandemic era.
The survey, that is launched in association with Credit Strategy, will generate sector-wide insights on the volumes collections firms are handling, the challenges in managing remote working policies, and how the use of technology in collections may have changed forever. The responses gathered, will be shared in a webinar hosted by QUALCO, where there will be a more in-depth analysis on the long-term implications for the collections industry.

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